Date of visit: 8.9.2018
Online test
Section 1: It consisted of problem statement and sudo code was asked. TOC questions were also there.
Section 2: It consisted of aptitude questions with medium difficulty level.
Section 3: It consisted of 3 coding questions.
1-Sort the given string such that
Characters with prime ASCII(ASCII values that are prime numbers) should be sorted in ascending order and forms the beginning of the string ,followed by Characters with non-prime ASCII which should be sorted in descending order
Technical Interview-1
1) Given a string print characters and no. Of occurrences
Ex: Input : DAABCFD
Output : D2A2B1C1F1
I) Sort based on character
II)Sort based on count
2) Write a program to print the mirror image of a binary tree
3) Write a program to find the middle element of a linked list(Collections.LinkedList should not be used)
1->2->3->4->5->Null output-3
Interviewer modified the list such that the next pointer of node 5 points to node 3 and asked to edit the program so that it works for the above list as well..
4) Write a program to count the no. Of islands in a matrix using DFS
5) Print the matrix in Spiral form starting from the middle element
6) Explain Java Static keywords with simple programs
Online test
Section 1: It consisted of problem statement and sudo code was asked. TOC questions were also there.
Section 2: It consisted of aptitude questions with medium difficulty level.
Section 3: It consisted of 3 coding questions.
1-Sort the given string such that
Characters with prime ASCII(ASCII values that are prime numbers) should be sorted in ascending order and forms the beginning of the string ,followed by Characters with non-prime ASCII which should be sorted in descending order
Technical Interview-1
1) Given a string print characters and no. Of occurrences
Ex: Input : DAABCFD
Output : D2A2B1C1F1
I) Sort based on character
II)Sort based on count
2) Write a program to print the mirror image of a binary tree
3) Write a program to find the middle element of a linked list(Collections.LinkedList should not be used)
1->2->3->4->5->Null output-3
Interviewer modified the list such that the next pointer of node 5 points to node 3 and asked to edit the program so that it works for the above list as well..
4) Write a program to count the no. Of islands in a matrix using DFS
5) Print the matrix in Spiral form starting from the middle element
6) Explain Java Static keywords with simple programs
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