Date of Visit : 11.08.2018 Criteria : 6.0 and above (No Current Arrear) ROUND 1 Duration : 1 hr This round composed of both written and online test Each one happened for 30 Minutes consecutively without any filtration. There is no negative grading. This is a MCQ type round. Both test covered OS Topics like Job Scheduling,Process,Dead lock detection and avoidance algorithm,semaphore,Output for C programs , Network Topics from sub net mask problems,TCP header information,Purpose of Time To Live (TTL), DBMS queries from natural join,left join,join, Age Problems,Data structure 1. Here are some words translated from an artificial language. migenlasan means cupboard lasanpoen means boardwalk cuopdansa means pullman Which word could mean "walkway"? A. poenmigen B. cuopeisel C. lasandansa D. poenforc 2. Consider three processes (process id 0, 1, 2 respectively) with compute time bursts 2, 4 ...
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