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Duta software India Pvt. Ltd

Date of visit: 10.9.2018

Online test
  It consisted of 15 technical aptitude questions ( easy level )
4 programming questions using arrays and strings

1) Given a string print characters whose number of occurrences is prime
Output AG

2) Given a keypad structure
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
You can start with any number but can only move left or down.
Numbers to be choosen(1-200)
Now for a given input if it is not a valid traversal print the smallest valid sequence
Ex 183 is not a valid traversal(from 8 you can't move up to reach 3)
     Output should be 180

If it is valid print the smallest possible number
Ex : 89 starting with 8 you can press 9 or 0
Since 80 is smaller than 89 the expected
Output is 80

3) Given a sequence of words correspond to the noises made by different elements, find the noises made by the given animal provided the noises of others animals in the format <animal> goes <noise>

Sample input:
wah how krr krr heee haah tm
Dog goes wah
Lion goes krr
Rhino goes haah
What does the fox say?

how heee tm


Round-1 coding
Write a program to implement grep function
ie)given the search pattern and files in the command line ..print the line number and the entire text of the matching line
Ex: java mygrep /test1.txt /a/test2.txt
/test1.text:Line 5:How are you
/test1.text:Line,the contributor
/a/test2.txt:Line 12:you are cool!

Round-2 Face to face
Asked to explain the projects and asked to explain some concepts related to the projects

Round-3 Face to Face
Questions asked were
    Interthread communication
    Interprocess communication
2)Identify and mention process,threads and communication in some of the windows utilities.
3)Write a simple program to implement interprocess communication using fork.

Subjective ques like :
If you input a text file with 5gb text without a new line character and your RAM size is 2gb,how will your grep function works


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