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AMAZON - internship (online test)

Date of visit: 25.09.2018
Platform: Amcat
Criteria: 7.0 and above, no current arrear
Duration: 1.30 hrs

Debugging  - 7 questions -25 mins
   Code was given in the editor, we have to modify it in such a way so that the code passes all test cases

Logical reasoning   - 24 questions - 35 mins (mcq)
Programming questions - 2 questions - 70 mins 
1. This question was based on writing a program for round robin scheduling in operating systems.
2. What are the values that can be added to get the highest capacity which is equal or slightly less than given capacity
    capacity: 40.75 
    length of the array: 4
    weight array: [ 34.5,1.60,6.25,7.08]
     34.50 6.25


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